Youth 12-17
The next step of their journey.
The BYS Youth Sail Training is designed for youth sailors aged 12-17 who have progressed through the BYS Junior Sail Training program or a similar pathway at another club, and who are looking to further develop their boat-handling and racing skills in a new class of boat.
Our youth sailors require their own personal boat, with the majority of our squad using Lasers, Sabres and Aeros, however two-handed dinghies such as 420s are also welcome. The program is run by qualified Australian Sailing coaches and runs for over summer from November 2024 – February 2025. To get involved youth sailors must be water-confident and have the skills, knowledge and experience gained from completing the Sail Training pathway.
If you would like to chat about getting your teen into sailing, simply call the Sailing Office on 03 5925 9620. Registrations are now open.

The Youth Sail Training Program
This program has a special focus on acquiring the skills needed to compete in racing, and all our youth sailors are strongly encouraged to engage in BYS club racing, as well as participate in regattas held throughout the season. Club off the beach racing runs from 1 October – 30 April. Saturdays are our main race day, but there is plenty of opportunity to join racing across the summer.
What equipment is needed?
Sailors will need to have their own boat and sailing gear including lifejacket, wetsuit and boots. Dinghy storage on the lawn and racks is available on application.
The majority of our group sail in the ILCA 4 class (previously called Laser 4.7), with some in ILCA 6 and some in Sabres. Our Sail Training team can share advice if you’re considering which class of boat is right for you.
When does Youth Sail Training start?
Youth Sail Training runs over the summer sailing season, commencing in November and concluding in February each year. We sail weekly on Sunday mornings from 10 am – 1 pm. From after Christmas through January we sail on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday afternoons from 1 – 4 pm to make the most of summer, before reverting back to Sunday morning session for February.
Participant numbers for our Youth Sail Training program are capped for the 2024-25 program to ensure the quality of the program – this is different to previous years. We encourage early registration to secure your child’s spot’ registration opens on 1 August 2024. You will be invoiced for your fees after registering. Invoices are due by Friday 27 October 2023.
Youth Sail Training fees
Youth Sail Training, BYS Member $530 inc GST*
Youth Sail Training, BYS Member, second child $505 inc GST*
(* plus card transaction fee)
Boat storage
Sailors will also need to apply and pay for boat storage. Applications open on 1 August.
Parent involvement
Like all youth sports, we rely heavily on parents’ involvement to ensure sessions run smoothly and to keep the program cost-efficient for families. It’s also a great way to connect with other families and learn more about sailing and BYS. All families will be part of a roster over the season, helping with tower duty, launching and sign on/off. Arrange a swap with another family if you can’t make it on your rostered day. All parents are required to supply a current Working With Children Check.
Tips for registering
When registering, make sure you enter your child’s details – we know Youth Sail Training sounds fun, but parents, this course isn’t for you.
If your child has sailed before, they will have an Australian Sailing number which you’ll need during registration. You can seach for Australian Sailing numbers online.
If your child has NOT sailed before, instead of entering an Australian Sailing number and submit, please click ‘Sign Up’ and then New Member, entering your child’s details. You will then receive your child’s Australian Sailing number via email
Child Safeguarding
We are committed to sport environments that are safe, supportive and friendly for children and young people. We have zero tolerance for any behaviours that put the well-being of children and young people at risk. We require all volunteers to hold a current Working With Children Check. All employees that will work with Children undergo an extensive screening process prior to appointment.