On Tuesday March 4th, the Commodore Martin Kudnig, hosted a ceremony to launch two new donated Hansa 303 yachts.
These two brand-new yachts were graciously donated, one, “SADKAT II” by well-known club members, The Godfrey Family, and the second, “Generosity”, by a non-member Victorian Family with a passion for Sailability but who wish to remain anonymous.
Attended by guests were principal donors Ken, Adri, and Terry Godfrey, Ian MacBride from Camerons Bight Boat Club, Sue Bradley from Rotary Club of Sorrento, both clubs being long-term equipment donors to the program, the Vice Commodore Georgina Plumridge, Club General Manager, Andrew Cooper, Head of Sailing Michelle de Blaquiere, a founder of Sailability Eily Watson, past Coordinators Brian Jones and Claire Bamford, and over 20 of the current Sailability Volunteers.
Speakers, The Commodore, and Ian Dalton, current Sailability Coordinator, spoke of the generosity of the many donors past and present who have helped the Sailability program to be almost self-supporting over its 22 years of operating at BYS. With a fleet of 8 Hansa 303 2-person yachts and old-faithful “Patrol-1” literally hundreds of volunteers have entertained also 100’s of people with disabilities over this period and plan to continue well into the future.
The Sailability program this week also celebrated its largest ever one-day number of 21 clients in a single session tended by over 20 volunteers and 9 teachers and carers. These numbers will continue through seasons-end just prior to Easter.
Club members are welcome to come and see Sailability in action on Tuesdays from 10- 12.30 pm.
Ian Dalton
Coordinator, Sailability.