Featured Artists
We’d like to introduce you to James Alexander who is one of our three feature artists who’ll be exhibiting over Easter. James is a free hand glass blower and sculptor who takes his inspiration from the beautiful coastal landscape where he grew up on the UK’s Cornish coast. The eroded and dramatic coastline, an endless source of fascination, is ever present in his work. Using the glass as a three-dimensional canvas, James creates abstract sceneries, inviting the viewer to explore the artwork and assign their own meaning to his creations. We look forward to presenting his work over the Easter weekend.

Artist Awards
Have you or your business ever considered supporting the Art Show by sponsoring an Artist Award or general sponsorship of the Art Show? If you’d like some information about how you can help please contact Phil Colman at philip.colman@mst.com.au or 0417 438 259
Silent Auction
This year will see the return of the Silent Auction but members will notice it will be on a smaller scale offering a selection of quality products and merchandise from local artists and businesses. If you would like to be involved or have an item you’d like to donate please contact Andrea Devereux at byseasterartshow@gmail.com
Volunteers Needed
The Art Show Committee is looking for volunteers to help greet Art Show visitors for 3 hour shifts throughout the Show over Easter (15 – 18 April). We are also looking for a volunteer to put our advertising bikes out in the community. If you would like to help out please contact Andrea at byseasterartshow@gmail.com advising your best contact details and availability. It’s a great way to meet more members and some lovely people. Thank you.
Thank you to the following supporters of the Easter Art Show:
Good Friday Viewings by Appointment
De Poi Family
Artist Awards
Kudnig Family
Fitzpatrick & Co Insurance Brokers
Godfrey Family
Board Sponsor