Contender Fleet
Fun and fast in an International class.
The Contender fleet at BYS has grown quickly from one to now having 22 Contenders registered and actively sailing, making it the largest fleet of Contenders in Australia!
Over the last couple of years we have seen 5 brand new Bonnezzi Contenders arrive from Italy to boost our numbers. The Contender has be instrumental in giving our youth sailors a great challenge after moving on from Lasers and we currently have 7 youth sailors both male & female keeping the old blokes honest.
BYS Contender sailors have recently competed in World championships all over the world with recent Worlds in USA, Denmark, Netherlands, Italy & UK.
In 2018 our fleet will travel to McCrae for the World Championships then onto Lake Garda Italy in August for the European Championships which will also celebrate 50 years for the Contender.

To learn more, why not come and have a chat with some Contender sailors at BYS on race day morning or contact the sailing office and we can put you in touch with our Contender class representative.

2023 Int. Contender Victorian Championship
The Victorian Contender Championships were sailed in Somers on the weekend. 36 boats entered from 4 states with interstate entrants from Adelaide, Canberra and Gosford.

Some photos of the OTB fleet at BYS March 2023 After my lunch with friends today, l took some shots of the off the

50th International Contender World Championship
50th International Contender World Championship, Royal Freshwater Bay Yacht Club, Swan River, Perth Over January, BYS members John Lindholm (10th), Callum Burns (12th), Ken MacKenzie

BYS Sailors Around The Country
BYS Sailors Around The Country While summer is a hive of activity at the club, it’s also titles season with many of our sailors travelling