Vale Allan Pizzey

You may have noticed our burgee was flying half-mast the past couple of days. This is in honour of Past Commodore Allan Pizzey AM who sadly passed away last Sunday after a long battle with cancer. Allan was a member of one of the pioneer families at BYS in the 1950s and sailed a keelboat. […]
70th Season Opening Day

The 70th Season Opening Day was a big success with the sun shining and our season declared open by BYS member and Olympian Will Phillips. We also officially met our Junior Club Captains for Season 2021-22 Gemma Moorehouse and Lucas James who have lots of fun and activities planned for our junior members. A delicious BBQ lunch was […]
Sailing wrap – 24 November 2021

For once we managed to get away with a full program of sailing over the weekend, with OTB out on the water sailing heat 4 of the OTB aggregate. The afternoon race saw a large fleet of Sabres take part, with Sam Backwell showing some of the older and more experienced sailors how it’s done […]
NTC No 1 Season 21-22

Racing Cancelled All racing cancelled today, 13-11-2021