71st Season Opening Day

Saturday 1 October saw the weather really turn out for the 71st Season Opening Day!

The day was hosted by Commodore Matt McCarthy and MC’d by Rear Commodore Georgina Plumridge.  Australian Sailing’s Female Sailor of the Year (Victoria) Laura Harding officially opened the day; new 50 year member Jenny Hunter broke the burgee whilst Father John McGinty from St Mary’s Star of the Sea Parish officially blessed both the season and the fleet.


Vice Commodore Martin Kudnig introduced our new Junior Club Captains, Chloe Warner and Archie O’Brien, even eliciting a few words from the usually reserved Archie!

Our new 50 year members – Jenny Hunter, Marilyn Hunter, Tom Golder and Chris Wilson- received their certificates on the day, whilst Robin Hunter, Julia Anderson and Ken Douglas were acknowledged in their absence.

Kev and Dee provided music for both the official ceremony and the afternoon’s BBQ on the deck!  During this time, the Sail Past took place prior to the first race of the season kicking off shortly thereafter. We would like to thank the Skippers and Crew of: Quando, Grace, Alive and Sirens who took place in the official Sail Past.

After a glorious afternoon of sunshine, things wound down (slightly) before revving up again later in the evening for the Commodore’s Cocktail Party.  Guests were treated to the delicious offering from the kitchen team, led by Head Chef Simon, whilst the food and beverage team, led by Dave, saw that all our members were well looked after on the night.  Music was provided by Lady and the Tramp.








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