Vale Allan Pizzey

You may have noticed our burgee was flying half-mast the past couple of days. This is in honour of Past Commodore Allan Pizzey AM who sadly passed away last Sunday after a long battle with cancer. Allan was a member of one of the pioneer families at BYS in the 1950s and sailed a keelboat. He was elected as the youngest Commodore of BYS serving 1965-67 and was made a life member in 1968. Allan and several of his mates built the original timber jetty, sinking piles and constructing it by hand, with no machinery in those days. Allan went on to become a senior manager in the top end, high rise construction industry in Melbourne and elsewhere. He was also a long-serving Chair of St Michael’s School and a director of Yarra Valley Water. Allan was recognised and awarded an AM for his services to the community. When BYS was planning for a new clubhouse in the early 2000’s Allan assisted the Committee of the time with project management guidance and advice. He prepared a report on the condition of the old building, highlighting that it was beyond redemption and needed to be demolished and replaced. This involved a great deal of professional work provided gratis, as a volunteer.

Allan made a significant contribution to BYS that will always be remembered. 



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Vale, Kate Smith

On Sunday, 8 December, I attended a memorial service for Kate Smith. Kate was an enthusiastic and tireless contributor to the local community.  Those of

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