Australian Sailing Personal Accident Insurance

Like most National Sporting Organisations, Australian Sailing provides whole-of-sport Personal Accident insurance coverage. Within our sport, this covers financial members of affiliated clubs, Discover Sailing Centre students and SailPass holders, primarily when participating in sailing races and training activities. What this means for clubs: All financial members of Australian Sailing Affiliated Clubs continue to be […]
BYS Sailors Around The Country

BYS Sailors Around The Country While summer is a hive of activity at the club, it’s also titles season with many of our sailors travelling to compete in events around the county. The ILCA 2023 Open and Youth Championships were held at Georges River Sailing Club (NSW) at the beginning of January with BYS youth […]
Tackers Update – January

TACKERS With all Tackers courses at full capacity, it is a delight to see out all our Optis out on the pond having fun and learning some new skills. We are currently running our third consecutive stream of Tackers 1, 2 & 3 with one final stream commencing on January 16th-20th. For all those budding […]
Sail Training Update – January

Tackers Training Tackers is in full swing with our recent Tackers 1 class at full capacity. There is limited opportunity available for further bookings in this summers courses however there are the odd spot available and some cancellations means people on our waiting list are getting called up. There is still some spaces available for […]
Sail Office Update

News From The Sailing Office Commodores Breakfast & Junior Skipper Race The Sailing Office is seeking expressions of interest to see who is interested in participating in The Commodores Breakfast and Junior Skipper Race on 15 January 2023. This will take place as part of Junior and Youth Sail Training. It will be a breakfast […]
Social Scene Update

BYS Social Events To all our wonderful members and guests who attended our Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron, Oaks Day Luncheon, we raised an incredible $4,500 for Mentis Assist.We thank the efforts & energy of the BYS Events Team who worked tirelessly raising much needed funds for this local charity. Thank you to Yuki Davidson, Chair of […]
Keelboat Training & Development

Keelboat Training & Development Keelboat Start Crewing / SheSails Keelboat Experience / Keelboat Racing Experience The Training and Development Courses continue to ramp up as we have officially moved into Summer. This week we kicked off with a Friday night Racing Experience Course on a J70. With Gordon Hyde as Instructor, this course allows participants […]
Sail Training Update

BYS Junior & Youth Sailing What a magic Sunday 4th December we had for BYS Junior and Youth Sail Training. Sailors were presented with sensational sunshine and a 30 degree day with light NNE breeze, absolutely perfect for light wind sail training. Our largest JST Group, Green Group continues to progress in leaps and bounds […]
Upcoming Events

We have two club events coming up. On Thursday 24 November, we have a fabulous curry buffet extravaganza, and on Wednesday 30 November we have a six course seafood degustation dinner. Both events can be booked via the TryBooking links below. Book early to avoid disappointment!
Oaks Day Luncheon

Wow what a fabulous turn-out for the BYS Oaks Luncheon attended by 150 members and guests. Thank you to all our sponsors who kindly donated funds and raffle items, and we are so proud that we were able to raise $4,000 to donate to Mentis Assist. Mentis Assist is one of Victoria’s primary not-for-profit community […]