BYS Hardstand – 2025 Strategy

BYS Hardstand – 2025 Strategy

Dear Members,

As recently announced at the 2024 AGM, the Executive Committee has appointed a Hardstand Strategy Working Group to work through the Marina Committee, which in turn will report to the Executive Committee.

The primary objective of this working group is to develop a Hardstand Strategy that is primarily focused on sports boat activities, being the third stream of sailing at BYS between conventional Keelboats (KB) and Off the Beach (OTB) sailing.

BYS aims to optimise its hardstand facilities to ensure it continues to attract sailors and boats to this category of sailing and to complement the full range of opportunities at BYS, one of Australia’s most desirable sailing venues.

This appointment and the work to be undertaken is consistent with the survey work and recommendations made in 2015 regarding hardstand usage and occupants.

It is envisaged that participants in this project will come from most facets of the BYS sailing community and would include:

o Members of the Marina Committee,
o Representatives of the Executive Committee,
o General Manager and Marina Operations,
o Flag Officers,
o BYS Club Captain,
o BYS Head of Sailing,
o Sportsboat Owners (and relevant KB owners),
o Skippers and crew participating in sportsboat sailing,
o BYS staff involved in training activities and managing both club and external regattas,
o Others as required.

It should be noted that engagement with participants will vary as the project progresses, where timing and the number of interactions with each participant or group will vary.

To ensure the working group achieves its set objectives, extensive data collection from a range of sources will be undertaken, including:

o Visiting other marinas with a hardstand, sharing and learning from experiences,
o Conducting surveys within the BYS sailing community to gather information,
o Engaging with the BYS sailing community via live forum and consultation as appropriate,
o Providing regular update reports to the Executive Committee and membership,
o Consolidating information and providing recommendations to the Executive Committee with budgets and timing for the implementation of recommendations.

The more detailed activities of the working group will also include:

1. BYS Hardstand Information to collate & review
o Size range and maximum weight of boats. (currently underway),
o Size of parking bays (possibly rationalising to a two-size model),
o Establishing and identifying the true costs of the hardstand structure, ongoing maintenance and current and future projected outgoings,
o Charging rates with the intention of being competitive with other facilities, noting the individuality of our marina and the handstand’s environment.

2. Handstand Facilities
o Crane type, number and possible position(s). (currently under review),
o Number of boat spaces – maximum to be determined,
o Onsite secure storage facilities,
o Toilets (currently one portable – ideally two permanent facilities and plumbed),
o Increased security (fencing and cameras),
o Electric tug with charging and storage, etc.,
o Rafting buoys – for regattas (yachts and coach boats),
o Other?

3. Optimise the Hardstand Layout
o Possibly two sizes,
o Layout,
o Emergency vehicle access,
o Storage and toilets as per above,
o Other?

It is important to acknowledge and reconfirm that this is a working group primarily focused on data gathering and providing detailed and relevant information to the Marina Committee and, ultimately, the Executive Committee.

The working group has a very clear directive and is not involved in making final decisions on the hardstand or the setting of fees or charges. The working group is also not involved in any BYS administrative processes.

The Executive Committee acknowledges that club volunteers will largely complete the undertaking of such an extensive project and sincerely thanks these members for their initiative, skills and commitment to BYS. Given the significant scope and complexities of this project, we ask all members for their patience and understanding during the various stages of this project.

In the meantime, if you have any initial questions regarding the project, please feel free to contact our General Manager, Andrew Cooper,, who will forward these questions to the most relevant member of the working group project.

Martin Kudnig
On behalf of the Executive Committee



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