Australian Sailing Victorian Awards

BYS sailor Laura Harding is a finalist for Female Sailor of the Year after an outstanding European circuit including 5th at the 49er FX Worlds.

SYC/BYS sailor Harry Sly is a finalist for Male Sailor of the Year with an amazing season which included becoming the Tasar National Champion and runner-up Tasar World Champion. We’ll be cheering for Laura and Harry at the Awards Night!

Congratulations Samantha Batty – Instructor of the Year finalist!  Sam’s made a huge contribution to our learn to sail program and is a dedicated instructor in our Tackers, Junior Sail Training and adult dinghy courses. Sam’s favourite groups to take are our “Greenies” – junior sailors who have just bought a Minnow and are learning to sail for the first time. Sam’s caring, calm and encouraging nature is loved by her sailors. Thanks for your special contribution to our sport Sam and best wishes for the awards night.
Congratulations Gus McIntyre – Youth Sailor of the Year finalist!
Gus has had a tremendous season, Sabre national champion, runner-up and first youth Victorian Sabre Champion, 6th place ILCA6 Victorian Championship, Vic Youth Champion ILCA 6, runner up and bronze at the QLD and NSW Youth Championships… and the list goes on.
You’re already a winner to us Gus and we can’t wait to see what you do next. Best wishes for the awards night.
Blairgowrie Yacht Squadron – Discover Sailing Centre of the Year finalist!
If you’ve discovered sailing for the first time, or learnt to sail at BYS, or if you’ve ever been part of Instructing and Coaching team over the many successful years – give us a shout of support because this one’s for you.
The awards night celebrates the achievements and contributions of the sailing community and will be held at SYC on Saturday 20 September.



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