The 70th Season Opening Day was a big success with the sun shining and our season declared open by BYS member and Olympian Will Phillips. We also officially met our Junior Club Captains for Season 2021-22 Gemma Moorehouse and Lucas James who have lots of fun and activities planned for our junior members. A delicious BBQ lunch was put on for members, thanks to our Volunteer BBQ team. The OTB sailors were especially pleased, being able to rig with a terrific atmosphere thanks to the live music on the downstairs deck.

A special congratulation to the following members who were recognised at the Opening Day ceremony as 50-year members of BYS.
- Adriana Godfrey,
- Andrew Godfrey,
- Darren Godfrey,
- Ken Godfrey,
- Stephen Godfrey,
- Stuart Hurley, and
- Tom O’Donohue