Sorrento Community Expo Event

Sorrento Community Expo Event The Sorrento Community Expo for Women and Girls in Sport was held on Sunday 30 October. BYS She Sails and BYS Sailability Training & Development Programs were on display, allowing our volunteers to engage the local community to showcase what we have on offer here at BYS in regards to these […]
Member Information

Just a quick reminder to any member who has updated their details, please ensure that you have also advised the Membership Office. A number of members have advised that they are not receiving emails or the weekly newsletter from BYS. I have drafted a very generic information sheet for anyone to refer to. However, […]
Australian 2K Team Racing Championships
Australian 2K Teams Racing Championships This weekend (26-27 October 2022), six of our young members travelled to Hobart to compete in the 2K National Championships at the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania. The BYS team was made up of Ethan O’Brien, Hannah Danks, Ed Warner, Sally Danks, Mitchell Harding and Harriette Singh. They were also […]