Australian 2K Team Racing Championships

Australian 2K Teams Racing Championships This weekend (26-27 October 2022), six of our young members travelled to Hobart to compete in the 2K National Championships at the Royal Yacht Club of Tasmania. The BYS team was made up of Ethan O’Brien, Hannah Danks, Ed Warner, Sally Danks, Mitchell Harding and Harriette Singh. They were also […]

A huge success – BYS Virtual Opening Day 2020

A hearty THANK YOU from the Commodore! A very big thank you to everyone who participated in the inaugural Virtual Opening Day on Saturday. From the feedback we received on the night and the day that followed, and the fact that the video was viewed by over 700 people, it looked to have been a […]

“Victorian Inclusion Program of the Year 2020” won by BYS Sailability

Australian Sailing Award “Victorian Inclusion Program of the Year 2020” A huge congratulations to Brian Jones and his volunteers on winning this award!  Sailability is such a worthy and invaluable community program and BYS is proud to be this year’s winner! The aim of the Sailability program is to make sailing available to people from all […]

Southern Sails Magazine 2020

It’s with great pleasure (and some relief!) that we invite you to download this electronic version of Southern Sails here A formal print run with its initial distribution at this month’s in-person Presentation Night was the expectation, but that plan became another casualty of Covid-19. Nevertheless, we’re aiming on a print run being available in […]

The 68th Season Opening Day

The 68th Season is upon us and we have a Festival of an Opening Day! Bring the family down to enjoy a wonderful day of celebrating the next Summer season, lots of upcoming Regattas, social activites and most importantly – Family, Friendship, Sailing. As voted by you on Facebook and Instagram, the theme is Mermaids […]